Saturday, October 25, 2008

Random Thoughts

There's a sudden nip in the air. I noticed this while walking back home after a trip to the theatres today. The change in the seasons isn't subtle.Winter will be here soon.

I love walking when the weather is good- not too sunny, a little cloudy, in fact, the cloudier the better!-windy..I relish the touch of the breeze and the rain against my face. There's something bracing in being out in this kind of weather, to be one with the elements. Something in me resonates to out of the ordinary weather, not the calm, sunny variety most people seem to crave. Maybe the kind of weather we feel at one with is an indication of the kind of people we really are. Perhaps that's why it's called 'nature'-because it corresponds to human nature in some deep, primitive way. In fact, the more it rains, the happier I feel. I have never understood why rains are supposed to depress. They never fail to uplift my mood, even if I have been feeling blue.

Heard from a couple of old, old friends, on Orkut. Feels good to reconnect with people whom one had taken to be lost, gone out of one's life for good, so to speak. And the funny thing is, both were in my thoughts lately. Ok, I was the one to search out and scrap one, but hearing from the second was a wonderfully pleasant surprise. People never actually go out of our lives, even when we don't hear from them in ages. As long as we've been thinking about them, they still form a part of us.

There's something about weekends which makes them fly by really fast! Why do weekdays drag by and weekdays end before they've even properly started?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dear Diary

Keeping a blog is a new experience for me. I've been used to keeping diaries, but that really can't compare with online blogging where what you write, your innermost thoughts, are accessible to everybody. A diary is much more personal.. and once you get used to writing, it is addictive. You look forward to writing in it everyday, if only about mundane, everyday things, of no interest to anybody else but you. Also, the physical act of putting pen to paper is somehow therapeutic, hypnotic.

Diary writing does give you perspective. Someone has rightly said that writing a diary gives you the power to live life three times over. One, when you experience what happens to you. Second, when you write about what happens to you. And third, when you read about what happens to you. Some of my best hours have been spent poring over old diaries, going over entries which makes me relive memories, happy as well as painful ones.

I have long given up writing a diary, but I hope to be regular with this blog. It's not the same as writing on paper, but it IS writing for oneself, which is what I intend to do. Write just for myself. Nothing profound, just simple thoughts, observations, feelings...just I , Me, Myself.